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Ware Html Code Generator

카테고리 없음

by centprogusac1982 2020. 3. 2. 10:24


Change language:exom - CodeGeneratorThe exom code generator is part of the exom SDKand designated to create class hierarchies using the exom framework. The class hierarchy can be build and verifiedwithin the user interface. When exporting a class hierarchy one library and threeexecutable projects will be created in the specified directory.

Ware Html Code Generator Software

These projects arelocated in the following directories:. library - contain the class hierarchy. ATL - The ATL project with default dialogs using the WTL library. Win32 - A small GUI application using Win32 only. Console - The console version of the application.The exported projects support the Application / Document Model to be directly usable. Aclass hierarchy will be build by creating classes and inserting attributes, functions andsub objects to it.

The main features of the code generator are:. Create new classes. Enable the array property for a class. The exported array support polymorphism forits items and an item base class can be specified. Use derivation by specifying a base class. Define a class as 'document base' to enable instances of this class featured by theApplication / Document Model. The means the support of functions like 'File New,Open, Save, Save As, Close'.

Insert attributes with the specified type and default value. Insert new or predefined standard functions like 'Cut, Copy, Paste.'

. Define enumerations including the enumeration items. The codegenerator itself is based on the exomframework. The GUI uses the exom Add-On. The GUI features of projects created by thecode genertor, will be similar to the GUI of the code generator. These features are:. Switchable tree/list view on left side.

Switchable properties/page view on the right side. Search result list on the bottom, which allow direct navigation to the selected row.(view can be hidden). Standard menu and toolbar commands used for application, document, view and selectionhandling.Copyright © 2006 PraetzSoftware Development.